The End of Part II

I thought it would only be fitting to post images from the end, last month, in Tibet.  This was the most awful bus ride I’ve ever experienced – besides the fact that I couldn’t eat, I was vomiting, and…

You get the point, it was rough.  Day 1 took 13 hours to travel 150km.





The worst thing about taking a break when touring, and also changing gear for the seasons and climate, is the re-packing.  The room I’ve been staying in has supplies and gear strewn all about.  Talk about a “pannier explosion”…

The Last Supper

So I head out in a week and I’m debating on finding some foreign hotel here in Shanghai and gorge myself on an all you can eat Brunch.

I’ve gained some weight back, with the common Chinese saying, “oh?! you’ve gained weight.” um yeah…so, I don’t want to be a skeleton trying to stay warm in the blizzards of Xinjiang. Trust me, this has been taking some work…lots of noodles (white starch) and 2-3 ice creams a day (fat fat fat and sugars). You can see the weight gain back in my face and I’ve lost my Tibetan sun burn – although I still have the tan on my feet from the day of trying to get my stolen camera back.

I’m not going to lie, I get cold feet thinking about what I’m heading into. No doubt. Also, after having a riding partner for 2 months, I’ve realized there is something about having a kindred soul along for the ride. So, here I am, back to just I and heading into the unknown I’ve longed for, 4 years. I’ve packed lots of socks, merino wool, new stove, snow goggles…along with some lighting gear and a total of 3 lenses!

The tentative plan is to get to Hami and ride for a little while then get to Kashgar and spend a month there. Taking small 2-3 trips out of town. Then onto Hotan…with hopes to cross into the K’stans once it begins to warm up a little bit.

Getting Close to the Winter Departure

Approximately 2 weeks. I’ve loaded up on some new winter gear, including a new stove, 50mm lens, and hopefully will be obtaining a “stormproof” tent over here in China. Only weighs 1800grams! Excellent since my winter jackets are going to be adding some bulk.

Picked up the bike from the shop yesterday. New handlebars, raised…and everything ready to go!

Cruel People Do Exist

A couple of months ago, I received a post on this blog. It was extremely unkind and making all kinds of personal attacks to me. I was really confused and hurt, and felt really awful that I maybe had done something to make someone feel the need to bash me – anonymously.

On Friday, I received another personal attack via email. It was sent from someone that is related by genetics. I was caught completely off guard but know that he suffers from some serious emotional/mental illnesses. Honestly, I didn’t know that people of this caliber of evil and hate really existed…but they do.

I was able to put the two together and realized that the comment on the blog was from the same person that sent me the email. My heart rests knowing that it wasn’t some random person that I offended…but rather, someone looking for reasons to lash out at me.

He will not receive an email in response, as someone who walked out of the lives of my family years ago, he is no one. But, if he decides he needs to troll this blog to find ammunition for hate…please know, I will pray that your soul can find some peace, solitude, and happiness in this life and the next. Hopefully sooner than later, for the sake of your 3 children.

I would love to hear from you!