So along the way, I exchanged email addresses and phone numbers…and the occasional QQ number. Every so often I get a random note from someone I have met along the way. Please use Google Translate to get the jist of this communication.
你好 我是 你的好朋友 ,还记得我吗、我是 呼伦贝尔的 你在哪呢 什么 时候还来呀 记得来找我哦
me: Yes, yes, yes!!!! I remember you I’m sorry I have been very busy. 不好意思,我没有空。
I hope to return to the town and photograph more people – I’m very interested in photographing 蒙古人 life/culture/horses/蒙古包。
Ellen (American girl on bike)
我是东乌珠尔边防派出所的,我给你登记 和照相 还记得吗。我在单位呢。 你在哪呢
我现在上海。我回来应为没有钱。I will continue my bike ride in the Spring, after the holiday. I must work and save money now.
如果你是警察,我记得,会是不错返回拍摄一两个星期。我希望与世界分享这 些照片 – 有这么多美丽的地方和中国人民。
我很高兴听到您的声音!你有一个朋友,说英语,对吗?我 跟她的电话。
哦 原来是这么回事, 我现在很佩服你的善举,你的精神值得我们学习。爱是无国界的。
If you translate anything, run the last sentence through Google Translate…you’ll get Chinglish, but if you have a half a brain…you can ‘figger it out.
This email is from the border police of 东乌珠尔, where I suffered dysentery and made friends with the locals. Of all the police and security officers I encountered…this young man was very kind. After I had filled all the paperwork out at the local station, one of his co-officers organized a photo where I had presented each one of them with my legal stuff…a US Passport and my Chinese Work Visa…it was a fun moment…although I looked not very cute. Dirty, dehydrating, hot (41 degrees those days), tired, and trying to hold my intestines in.
If you take a moment to view the larger map, see link above, you can see there was nothing around for miles, days, and I had been facing that damn headwind that TOO OFTEN comes across from the NW.