2 Week Recharge and then off to Mongolia (be sure to use the 110 and not the 220)

Jason has been updating this for me, but this is yours truly.

Well, after the awful fiasco in Xin’BaErHeYouQi around Hulun Buir, I took a train from Wulanhaote to Chifeng.

What happened that was so awful?  I’ll skim the surface for you.  I met 3 young men, ehem, let me rephrase, I met 2 young men and 1 monster.  After treating me to dinner I found myself having the monster “help” me to find a place to sleep for the evening.  I was locked in a room for 3 hours knowing that his intention was rape and possibly steal my belongings.  After 3 hours of me pleading and crying for release and him repeatedly telling me he would kill me – I got away.

The scream I let out still doesn’t even sound like my voice.  The next 5 minutes are a haze.

2 nights later I stayed on a Mongolia “Dude Ranch”.  I needed that.  These people gave me some faith in humanity.  The 3 people were “Mongolian” but I have realized there is a difference between ethnic lineage of Mongolian and those that live culturally as Mongolian.  Mongolians LOVE to drink…they LOVE to sing…they LOVE Americans.

There was a boy on the ranch – “Bao’tur”.  He made me very nervous – even behind his silver reflector aviator sunglasses – I could see that he was one of the most beautiful boys I have ever seen.  His delicate and such unique face framed by soft curled dyed brownish hair.  It was not a sexual attraction nervousness, let me say that, but the fact that he was BEAUTIFUL.  Jason says, “that guy looks weird” – you may think that too – but this boy was beautiful.

When I was practicing English with “Bao’tur”, “But’tur”, “Nancy”, and “Jake” – Bao’turs’ voice would go very high pitch and awkward sounding.  He made up for this silliness by the his natural appearance riding the horses – with no saddle.

I slept in my first yurt.  It was a cement one, a permanent one.

I returned to my Chinese “family” in ChiFeng last Saturday.  After another “boy” tried to scam me and who knows what else at the train station in Wulanhaote.  Luckily I stopped that one before there even was the option.

Greeted at the train station at 5:30 am by my dear friend and “sister” Lotus.  Captain was there too.  It was so wonderful to see familiar faces and feel true, genuine love, from friends and family.  While in Chifeng, I was on the radio station speaking Chinese, danced for a large group of Eighth Graders, and had “little rain drop” (Lotus’ dear daughter) tell me my arms are like peaches.  I have hairy arms…you should see my legs!!!!

After spending a relaxing, yet hot, weekend in Chifeng, I arrived in Shanghai Monday night.  I’ve never been one to run to the Gate and throw my arms around anyone.  But I shuffled (flip flops) past everyone and ran into Jason’s arms.  Yes.  Like a movie.  My luggage being one very dirty tanktop and pants and a load of Inner Mongolian Milk candy and Cheese.  Gifts.  Dirty clothes and candy.

I have officially hit “Dirt Bag” status – and so proud of it.  People are amazed by my tan lines.  I’ve been told I look like a Chinese farmer and the man next to me on the plane kept looking at my arms and then his.  He was a little corn’fused.

On July 1st, my final riding day of NorthEast China – I hit 5000km.  If you do the math, I did this in 2 months – with more than plenty rest days.  I plan to do the next 2 months, 6000km.  This will be Mongolia.

Jason will be joining me for Mongolia – but don’t worry – I still plan to make a record amount of solo kilometers through China.  I guarantee that.

While in Shanghai, I will be eating NOT Chinese food, though I have had 2 Chinese lunches.  I lied.  Let me rephrase…I will not be eating Chinese food when we can afford not too.  Still have got to reserve money.  The attempted rape drained 1000kuai out of my account really fast.  Taxi ride to next town and an air conditioned hotel.

I’ve got a great paying job this week and that will more than definitely put my finances back to where they were before I started.

One massage thus far, as I hope to regain feeling in my left middle finger.  I lost feeling and it’s completely numb – during the first week of my ride.  Pinched nerves?

I’m going to go through some photos and maybe put a couple up here…I know you are dying to see some.

Recently, I’ve had correspondance with your recent comment’or Edward Genochio and new correspondance from Evan Villarrubia, Portrait of an LBX www.portraitofanlbx.com

Ed and I share a lot of similar stories and he’s been a great guy to talk with when I’m feeling beat the hell up.

Evan and his cycling companion are still on the road in China.  I got a really nice email from him giving me props for doing this.  He said that he and his buddies have often discussed how difficult this would be for a woman…well, I’m doing it.  And to hell with that monster – I will NOT let any person ruin this for me.

I’ll keep you all up to date

2 Week Recharge and then off to Mongolia (be sure to use the 110 and not the 220)

Jason has been updating this for me, but this is yours truly.

Well, after the awful fiasco in Xin’BaErHeYouQi around Hulun Buir, I took a train from Wulanhaote to Chifeng.

What happened that was so awful?  I’ll skim the surface for you.  I met 3 young men, ehem, let me rephrase, I met 2 young men and 1 monster.  After treating me to dinner I found myself having the monster “help” me to find a place to sleep for the evening.  I was locked in a room for 3 hours knowing that his intention was rape and possibly steal my belongings.  After 3 hours of me pleading and crying for release and him repeatedly telling me he would kill me – I got away.

The scream I let out still doesn’t even sound like my voice.  The next 5 minutes are a haze.

2 nights later I stayed on a Mongolia “Dude Ranch”.  I needed that.  These people gave me some faith in humanity.  The 3 people were “Mongolian” but I have realized there is a difference between ethnic lineage of Mongolian and those that live culturally as Mongolian.  Mongolians LOVE to drink…they LOVE to sing…they LOVE Americans.

There was a boy on the ranch – “Bao’tur”.  He made me very nervous – even behind his silver reflector aviator sunglasses – I could see that he was one of the most beautiful boys I have ever seen.  His delicate and such unique face framed by soft curled dyed brownish hair.  It was not a sexual attraction nervousness, let me say that, but the fact that he was BEAUTIFUL.  Jason says, “that guy looks weird” – you may think that too – but this boy was beautiful.

When I was practicing English with “Bao’tur”, “But’tur”, “Nancy”, and “Jake” – Bao’turs’ voice would go very high pitch and awkward sounding.  He made up for this silliness by the his natural appearance riding the horses – with no saddle.

I slept in my first yurt.  It was a cement one, a permanent one.

I returned to my Chinese “family” in ChiFeng last Saturday.  After another “boy” tried to scam me and who knows what else at the train station in Wulanhaote.  Luckily I stopped that one before there even was the option.

Greeted at the train station at 5:30 am by my dear friend and “sister” Lotus.  Captain was there too.  It was so wonderful to see familiar faces and feel true, genuine love, from friends and family.  While in Chifeng, I was on the radio station speaking Chinese, danced for a large group of Eighth Graders, and had “little rain drop” (Lotus’ dear daughter) tell me my arms are like peaches.  I have hairy arms…you should see my legs!!!!

After spending a relaxing, yet hot, weekend in Chifeng, I arrived in Shanghai Monday night.  I’ve never been one to run to the Gate and throw my arms around anyone.  But I shuffled (flip flops) past everyone and ran into Jason’s arms.  Yes.  Like a movie.  My luggage being one very dirty tanktop and pants and a load of Inner Mongolian Milk candy and Cheese.  Gifts.  Dirty clothes and candy.

I have officially hit “Dirt Bag” status – and so proud of it.  People are amazed by my tan lines.  I’ve been told I look like a Chinese farmer and the man next to me on the plane kept looking at my arms and then his.  He was a little corn’fused.

On July 1st, my final riding day of NorthEast China – I hit 5000km.  If you do the math, I did this in 2 months – with more than plenty rest days.  I plan to do the next 2 months, 6000km.  This will be Mongolia.

Jason will be joining me for Mongolia – but don’t worry – I still plan to make a record amount of solo kilometers through China.  I guarantee that.

While in Shanghai, I will be eating NOT Chinese food, though I have had 2 Chinese lunches.  I lied.  Let me rephrase…I will not be eating Chinese food when we can afford not too.  Still have got to reserve money.  The attempted rape drained 1000kuai out of my account really fast.  Taxi ride to next town and an air conditioned hotel.

I’ve got a great paying job this week and that will more than definitely put my finances back to where they were before I started.

One massage thus far, as I hope to regain feeling in my left middle finger.  I lost feeling and it’s completely numb – during the first week of my ride.  Pinched nerves?

I’m going to go through some photos and maybe put a couple up here…I know you are dying to see some.

Recently, I’ve had correspondance with your recent comment’or Edward Genochio and new correspondance from Evan Villarrubia, Portrait of an LBX www.portraitofanlbx.com

Ed and I share a lot of similar stories and he’s been a great guy to talk with when I’m feeling beat the hell up.

Evan and his cycling companion are still on the road in China.  I got a really nice email from him giving me props for doing this.  He said that he and his buddies have often discussed how difficult this would be for a woman…well, I’m doing it.  And to hell with that monster – I will NOT let any person ruin this for me.

I’ll keep you all up to date

Extreme heat and extreme riding

Ellen has been riding from Aer Shan to Wulan haote the last 2 days. Yesterday she did an epic 225 km ride over 5 mountains. At one point, she was going at a speedy 39 kmh (pretty awesome considering she’s on a fully loaded bike!). The heat has been pretty intense. The highs have been 40 degrees Celcius, that’s 104 degrees for people reading this stateside. It was 38 in Shanghai yesterday and just leaving the house was a daunting prospect, let alone riding a bike though mountains. Don’t worry though, Ellen takes naps/breaks during the hottest part of the day and is drinking plenty of fluids.

Aeren shan

So after 2 days of riding, Ellen is in Aren Shan. She had a stop over at a little Mongolian Ranch, the night before getting to Aren Shan. The ranch had horses and some camels. Ellen was at first chatting with a few locals and then soon the whole ranch was around her. She even got to ride a horse in the open! How cool is that?! She stayed the night in a concrete yurt and had curious Mongolian faces peeking in to see what she was doing every so often.

But now she is resting in Aren Shan. There are supposed to be some hot springs around there that she will try and find tomorrow. She deserves some R&R for all the hard riding she’s been doing. Along 203, to get to Aren Shan, there had been a lot of construction, which means gravel/pothole roads… It’s been a long 2 days for Ellen in order to get to Aren Shan.

Potty time in the Prairie

Okay, now for the ladies.  It’s much more difficult for us to find a “private area” especially in the prairie to take care of business.  I wanted to add a little bit of humor to this blog.

So the trick is:

You stop in the middle of a straight stretch of road.  Take your headphones off so you can listen for people – not necessary traffic.  Check both directions – when clear – squat.  Be aware of shepherd’s and their herds…sheep and cows can sneak up on you at anytime.

Yep, I’ve gotten caught with my pants down and wonder how many full moons have appeared over the peaceful prairie of Inner Mongolia.  But you know what, I am at the point where I just don’t care…or rather, I can’t care.

This trick I learned when struggling with dysentery.

If you are in areas that have crops or orchards…just walk out into the middle of it and take care of it.

Mid afternoon naps

I like to rest from the sun from noon to 2.  In the South I use to rest in trees…in HulunBuir/Prairie, I’m lucky to find a road overpass/storm drain where I go down there and hang out with cow patties, random shoes, and a pile or so of human doo. 

A couple days ago I passed out from the heat with a bottle as my pillow and a bed of gravel as my bed.  I ended up getting tar all over my shirt but sometimes…you just have to pass out from the heat.  40 degrees C!!!  Even the breeze was hot. 

The elbow and knee crevices sweat so much it looks like I’m leaking water.

I’m dehydrated…badly.

I would love to hear from you!