The day started early, warm, uphill…and ended at night fall with a sense of being defeated. We thought we could make it to the coast by the end of the first day, we were wrong.

This was the beginning of the day, but we would end up seeing this again on Day 2. We had already gone the wrong route at this point.

Lunch time, then puppy love time.

The outskirts of Taibei.

If you are going a route where you see no cars, few people, and the road becomes about 10 meters wide...while thinking..."this is the most beautiful ride in the world" may be going towards a dead end. Although people had told us we could get to the coast from this way.

Winding up.

If you are going a route where you see no cars, few people, and the road becomes about 10 meters wide...while thinking..."this is the most beautiful ride in the world" may be going towards a dead end. Although people had told us we could get to the coast from this way.

This just didn't feel "right" as we pushed our bikes over the bridge after being told by two men that we could cycle through once we got across.

Our greeting on the other side. Do you think this stopped our stupidity?


We have to find somewhere to sleep, and fast, before sunset. Fortunately most of the route is down but it's getting cold fast. It's difficult to camp in Taiwan, in certain places, because it's so wet. Really, really, wet.

After arriving to the first hotel we can find, it's dark out. It's on the outskirts of the main tourist area so we assume it will be a little cheaper. We're their only guests and they are a little surprised that we found them. The first time I had visited this town was my first time to Taiwan. Jason and I traveled here for the hot springs with his family. Jason and I didn't stew...we just walked around sightseeing, i.e. old people half dressed soaking in the water. After unloading int our room we immediately head out to the night market.I didn't get any of this, I'm not a big fan of pork face.

Home made candy - delicious! It's like a harder version of cotton candy. Little hard pieces that melt in you mouth. LOVE

The skewers were all over the ground and I hate skewers and I have a dirty scar on my big toe from one deciding to jump off the sidewalk and go through my shoe in China.
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Day 1: Taibei to Wu Lai 第一天:台北到烏來台 February 28th, 2011WanderCyclist